General Research
2014 - Present
Longitudinal Study of children and carers, Udayan Care Orphanage & Duke University
New Delhi, India
Pilot Study of 30 children, Udayan Care Orphanage
New Delhi, India
Research-related Editorial Positions
2014 - present
Editorial Board, Psychoanalytic Inquiry
Detroit, Michigan
2013 - present
Editorial Board, Journal of Institutionalised Child Studies
New Delhi, India (launched March 2014)
2014 - Present
Longitudinal Study of children and carers, Udayan Care Orphanage & Duke University
New Delhi, India
Pilot Study of 30 children, Udayan Care Orphanage
New Delhi, India
Research-related Editorial Positions
2014 - present
Editorial Board, Psychoanalytic Inquiry
Detroit, Michigan
2013 - present
Editorial Board, Journal of Institutionalised Child Studies
New Delhi, India (launched March 2014)